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EDU 270: Autism Spectrum Disorders (Online): Articles

Research resources for students in online sections of Education 270: Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders. Questions? Email

Best places to search for research articles

Use these library databases (specialized search engines paid for by the library) to search for articles on education for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

If you're off campus, these links will direct you to a login screen. Use your MyNOVA login info to get to the database.

Search Tip

Try simple searches first -- you can get more specific later, if you need to. 

EXAMPLE: Autism AND assistive technology


Quick citation tool

Citation Tool:

Each article within this database has a citation tool . Here is how you find it:

1. Click the link to the article.

2. In the right hand column, click the Cite link.

image of Academic Search Complete database


3. Scroll down in the Citation Format box to select the correct citation style for your course. Most NOVA courses use either MLA or APA.

image of Academic Search Complete database


4. Copy and paste the citation into your document or export it to a bibliographic management software program using the link located at the bottom of the Citation Format box. Remember to check the citation for errors after you have copied it. 

image of Academic Search Complete database