NOVA Students
NOVA Faculty and Staff
Community Patrons
Renewal Limits
1 renewal (except course reserves)
5 renewals
1 renewal
NOVA Students
Library items (except course reserves) can be renewed once, unless they are overdue or have been requested by other patrons. Items can be renewed online, in person, or by contacting a campus library. For instructions on renewing items online, please see below.
NOVA Faculty and Staff
Library items are renewed automatically up to five times, unless they have been requested by other patrons.
Community Patrons
Library items can be renewed once, unless they are overdue or have been requested by other patrons. Items can be renewed in person or by contacting a campus library.
How to Renew Items Online
- Either here or on the Libraries home page, in the yellow Search Options area, under the search box, click on the My Account link.

- Sign in with your MyNOVA username and password.
- Click on the Loans tab.

- To renew an individual item, click on the Renew link next to that item.

- To renew all items, click on the Renew All link.