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EDU 207: Human Growth and Development (Lang-Loudoun)

Direct comments to Michael English,


Through the library, you have access to over 120 databases filled with newspaper articles, academic articles, magazine articles, court cases, book reviews, and more.

Some of the key databases for locating relevant sources for your topics in this class are located below. 

You may also locate articles by going to Databases by Subject and looking under the relevant category(ies) for your research topic.

Human Growth and Development & Childhood Education Databases

Literature Databases

Some Suggested Keywords to Use in the Databases

  • Erickson
  • self-concept OR self-esteem
  • identity or selfhood or "self conception"
  • puberty or adolescence
  • Piaget
  • parent OR parenting OR "family socialization"
  • ("social development" or socialization or relationships) AND ("environmental influences" OR "environmental factors" OR "home environment")

For the Literature Databases

  • "I know why the caged bird sings" AND (self-concept OR self-esteem)
  • "I know why the caged bird sings" AND (puberty OR adolescence)
  • "Maya Angelou" and abuse
  • "Maya Angelou" and (parent OR parenting OR "family socialization")