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ENG 112: College Composition II: Argument Research (Alexandria)

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Magazine, Journal and Newspaper Articles

Scholarly, Trade and Popular Sources


Scholarly Journals

Trade Publications (Industry Magazines)

  Popular Newspapers and Magazines

   Appearance   (Cover)

New England Journal of Medicine cover

Foodservice Equipment and Supplies cover 
Exciting industry-specific scenes

People Magazine Cover

   Appearance   (Inside)

 Black and white with few pictures

Colorful with pictures

 Colorful with many pictures


To report research findings and build on the academic literature

To help professionals keep up with changes in their field (new products and trends)

To inform, entertain and grab your interest


Researchers and professionals


Regular people


Researchers, usually associated with a university; can usually find author credentials on the first page or in a footnote.

Professionals in a field (dentists, law enforcement officers and HVAC professionals)

Journalists; search in the database for the author's name to see what other articles s/he has written.



Sounds “academic” and usually includes the word “journal”

- New England Journal of Medicine

- Journal of Clinical Child Psychology

Sounds “professional”.  May include the word “journal” in the title but does not look like a journal.

- Massage Today

- Community College Journal

- Foodservice Equipment & Supplies

Short title that usually sounds general or “fun”. 

- New York Times (newspaper)

- Washington Post (newspaper)

- People (magazine)

- Time (magazine)



Industry-specific ads (kitchen equipment, massage tables and dental hygiene instruments)

Flashy ads for products that would interest most people (cars, food and clothes)

Editing Process

Peer Review

Basic editing

Basic editing


Reliable, high-quality academic research

Easier to read and more current than scholarly journals

Newspapers are printed daily and magazines usually monthly


Peer review process takes time, so articles may take months to publish

Written by professionals in the field but does not go through an extensive editing process

Could include opinions.  Some newspapers and magazines are better than others (Wall Street Journal vs. National Enquirer)

Search Tips

Select the most important 2-4 words related to your topic.  Put the word AND between each new word or idea; this tells the database to look for resources with ALL your terms.

icann AND governance

Use quotation marks ( "  " ) around phrases (two or more words); this tells the database to look for the words right next to each other.

"domain names" AND governance

Use the asterisk (*) to truncate a word; this tells the database to look for all words that have the same base.  In the example below, search results would include "governance" and "governing."

"domain names" AND govern*
icann AND govern* AND

Use synonyms and related terms:

"identity theft" AND e-commerce
"identity theft" AND electronic commerce
"identity theft" AND online retail*
"identity theft" AND online shopping

Why Use a Magazine, Journal or Newspaper Article?

Magazines, journals and newspapers:

  • Provide detailed information about a specific aspect of a topic.

  • Report on events, issues or scholarly research.

  • Are good sources for current or recent information.

Magazines, journals and newspapers typically do NOT provide a summary or overview of a topic.

Learn More About a Particular Magazine, Journal or Newspaper

Ulrich's provides basic information about magazines, journals and newspapers, including a description, intended audience, and sometimes reviews.

Type in the title of the periodical your article is from (e.g., New York Times, Journal of Family Communication, Sports Illustrated)