When starting with a citation (for example, for an article found via Google or recommended by an instructor):
1) Go to Find Journal by Title
2) Type in the title of the journal, magazine, or newspaper (NOT the article title)
3) If full text articles from that publication are available in our databases or in print in one of the NOVA libraries, you will see information indicating that.
4) Any databases that have full text articles will be linked. Pay attention to the date range listed for each database- you have to be sure that it covers the date of your article.
5) If a database covers the date of your article, click on the link. If you are off campus, log in with your myNOVA username/password. Once in the database, either navigate to the year/volume/issue you need, or try a search for the title of your article (sometimes it can help to put the title in quotes if you're sure you have the title 100% correct).
When nothing works:
Check with your campus library. Your librarians may be able to find the full text of your article somewhere else.