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Google Scholar

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Off Campus Access to Journal Articles in Google Scholar

How to get access to journal articles in Google Scholar from journals and databases that NOVA subscribes to:

  1. In Google Scholar, click on the menu in the upper left.
  2. Select the gear icon for "Settings."   
  3. On the Settings page select  Library Links.
  4. Use the search box to find NOVA's library collections:

 Type   northern virginia   and put a check mark in the box for  NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE.
 Type   virginia community college system network  and put a check mark in that box.


5.  your selections.


When you click on articles in Google Scholar that are part of NOVA's subscriptions, you will be prompted to log in with your MyNova username.

If you click on articles in Google Scholar that are NOT part of NOVA's subscriptions, you may be prompted for payment information.  If that happens, check with a librarian to see if we can find the article for you somewhere else for free.