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NOVA Outdoors Project

Image of 8 tents and 2 people and a field with low grass, with a copse of trees in the background

What is the Outdoors Project?

The purpose of the Outdoors Project is to increase students' sense of belonging, which is shown to improve student success in college, and educate students about ways to increase the access of community college students and women, trans, and nonbinary people to nature and wild spaces.

What is Backpacking?

Backpacking is the combination of hiking and camping. Backpackers carry everything they need to survive in nature on their backs -- food, filters to clean water for drinking, tent, sleeping bag, clothes, first aid kit, toilet paper, and more. The wonderful thing about backpacking is that it's not a race! You go step by step, at your own pace.

Why Backpacking?

A study of students thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail found participants "discovered how to integrate individual and broader group goals while also developing self-efficacy, self-confidence, and resilience when dealing with unforeseen circumstances" (Rohn & Conway, 2022).

Summer 2025 Backpacking Trips

Summer 2025 Backpacking Trips

Due to wilderness camping rules, we can take no more than 7-8 students/trip. Thus, this is a competitive application. Please be sure to answer the response questions thoughtfully. Do not use AI to help you. This application and both trips are open to all NOVA students. We only have space for 16 students and usually 40-90 apply. We recommend that you attend one of our hard monthly hikes before the application closes.

Timeline & Process --

  1. Optional ZOOM Info Session: Sunday, March 2, @6pm 
  2. Apply here by: Friday, March 14
  3. Required: Skills Day at the Woodbridge Campus: Saturday, March 29, 10am-5pm 
  4. Required: ZOOM Orientation: Sunday, April 13, @6pm 
  5. Required: Gear Check and Fitting at the Woodbridge Campus: Tuesday, May 13, 12pm-6pm
  6. Required: Pack Up the Thursday before you trip at the Woodbridge Campus: 5pm-9pm the night before your trip
  7. Trip 1: Fri-Sun, June 6-8 (Pack Up is Thursday, June 5, 5-9pm)
  8. Trip 2: Fri-Sun, June 13-16 (Pack Up is Thursday, June 12, 5-9pm)

Apply here