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ACC 221/222: Intermediate Accounting (Online): eBooks

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Best Bets for Accounting eBooks

Accounting: A Very Short Introduction
Christopher Nobes

An easy guide to understanding and using accounting information, from bookkeeping and financial reporting to auditing and management accounting. It examines the building blocks of financial reports, such as assets and liabilities, and traces the development of accounting over the centuries.
Oxford Dictionary of Accounting (5th ed)

A specialized dictionary just for accounting! Covers all aspects, including financial accounting, financial reporting, management accounting, taxation, auditing, corporate finance, and accounting bodies and institutions.

Accounting Best Practices (7th ed)
Stephen M. Bragg

Presents techniques and strategies to help accountants increase productivity, reduce costs, and efficiently monitor a company's existing systems. Covers accounts payable, billing, budgeting, finance, financial statements, and much more. 

Accounting Ethics (2nd ed)
Brenda Shay Duska, Ronald Duska, & Julie Anne Ragatz

A comprehensive overview of ethics in accounting, including ethical responsibilities of individual accountants as well as accounting firms. Uses concrete examples and case studies and provides recommendations for solving ethical problems in the field.


Sample Searches

Sample Searches:

accounting AND regulation

Use AND between two or more terms to find materials with all the terms. Searching for accounting AND regulation will only include books that have both global warming and atmosphere in their contents.

accounting OR audit

Use OR between similar terms. Searching for accounting OR audit will find books that refer to either term.

"financial disclosures"

Use quotation marks ( " " ) around specific phrases such as "financial disclosures" to find the words in that specific order.


Use an asterisk ( * ) to find multiple endings of one word. Using financ* as a search term will include results that refer to finance, finances, financial, financials.