If an eBook you’re using or planning to use for a course is on this list, please share the proxied link(s) with your students.
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Please contact Jeff Prater, Collection Development and OER Librarian, at jprater@nvcc.edu if you have any questions.
COURSE | AUTHOR | Click and link to your syllabus | ED |
ACC 212 | Barcharts | Accounting 2 | 11 |
ADJ 163 | Grana | Crime+Intelligence Analysis | 2ND 21 |
ADJ 201 | Barcharts | Criminology | 10 |
ASL 125 | Holcomb | Intro To Deaf Culture | 13 |
ARA 101 | Alosh | Ahlan Wa Sahlan:Func...Begin. | 3RD 21 |
ARC 123 | Ching, Francis D.K. | Architectural Graphics | 7TH 24 |
ARC 134 | Ching, Francis D.K. / Winkel, Steven R. | Building Codes Illustrated | 7TH 22 |
ART 150 | Dixon | Short History Of Film | 3RD 18 |
ART 217 | Samara | Design Elements | 3RD 20 |
ART 268 | Graphic Artist | Graphic Artists Guild Handbook | 16TH 21 |
ART 271 | Fick | Printmaking | 2ND 15 |
ASL 100 | Conley, Willy | Visual-Gestural Communication | 19 |
ASL 125 | Gannon | Deaf Heritage:Narrative History Of Deaf | 12 |
ASL 220 | Hill | Sign Languages:Structure+Contexts | 19 |
BIO 102 | Barcharts | Biology 2 | 4 |
BIO 102 | Barcharts | Fetal Pig | 6 |
BLD 200 | El Khouli | Sustainable Construction Techniques | 2015 |
CHD 120 | Friedman, Susan | Developmentally Appropriate Prac. | 4TH 22 |
CHD 146 | Ashbrook | Science Is Simple | 3 |
CHD 210 | Simpson | Successful Inclusion Strat.F/Early... | 10 |
CHD 265 | Aguilar | Onward | 18 |
CHD 270 | Leekeenan | From Survive To Thrive | Latest |
CHM 111 | Barcharts | Periodic Table Advanced | 15 |
CHM 112 | Barcharts | Chemistry 2 | 16 |
CHM 241 | Barcharts | Organic Chemistry Reactions | 15 |
CHM 241 | Barcharts | Organic Chemistry Fundamentals | 15 |
CON 100 | Stanberry | Federal Contracting Made Easy | 4TH 13 |
CON 124 | Compton | Federal Acquisition | 10 |
CST 100 | Barcharts | Public Speaking | 14 |
CST 140 | Barr | Acting For The Camera | REV 97 |
CST 151 | Pramaggiore | Film:Critical Introduction | 4TH 20 |
DMS 211 | Kawamura | Abdomen+Superficial Structures | 5TH 23 |
DMS 211 | Kawamura, Diane M. | Workbook For Diagnostic Medical Sonogr. | 5TH 23 |
DMS 212 | Stephenson | Diagnostic Med...:Obstetrics+Gynecology | 5TH 23 |
DMS 212 | Stephenson | Workbk.F/Diagnostic Medical Sonography | 5TH 22 |
ECO 201 | Barcharts | Macroeconomics | 9 |
EDU 280 | Shah | Ai+The Future Of Education | 24 |
ELE 211 | Gross | Electric Machines | 06 |
ENG 111 | Alexander | New Jim Crow (10th Anniversary Ed.) | 20 |
ENG 111 | Barcharts | Writing Tips+Tricks | 12 |
ENG 111 | Barcharts | English Fundamentals 1:Grammar | 22 |
ENG 111 | Barcharts | English Fundamentals 2:Sentence... | 22 |
ENG 111 | Barcharts | English Fundamentals 3:Sentence... | 22 |
ENG 111 | Barcharts | English Fundamentals 4:Writing | 22 |
ENG 111 | Barcharts | Mla Guidelines | 22 |
ENG 111 | Gurung | Study Like A Champ | 22 |
ENG 255 | Daley | World's Greatest Short Stories | 06 |
ENG 256 | Shelley | Frankenstein | 94 |
ENG 256 | Wells | War Of The Worlds,Unabridged | 97 |
ESL 21 | Barcharts | Esl-English As A Second Language | 2ND 18 |
GER 101 | Barcharts | German Vocabulary | 2 |
HIM 255 | Huey, Kimberly | CPT Professional 2025 | 24 |
HIS 102 | Barcharts | Western Civilization 2 | 16 |
HIS 121 | Loewen, James W. | Lies My Teacher Told Me | (REV)18 |
HIS 180 | Orser | Historical Archaeology (Pb) | 3RD 17 |
HIS 181 | Sprinkle | Crafting Preservation Criteria | 14 |
HIS 187 | Harvey, Karen | History+Material Culture | 2ND 18 |
HIS 187 | Donnelly | Interpreting Historic House Museums | 02 |
HIS 187 | Harvey, Karen | History+Material Culture | 2 |
HIS 187 | Jakle, John A. | Remembering Roadside America | 11 |
HIS 241 | Kivelson | Picturing Russia | 08 |
HIS 251 | Podany | Ancient Near East | 14 |
HIS 251 | Lapidus | Islamic Societies To The 19th Century | 12 |
HIS 267 | Schmitz | Enemies Among Us | 202 |
HIS 267 | Fussell, Paul | Wartime | 89 |
HIS 267 | Kennedy, David M. | Amer.People In Wwii:Free.From Fear-Pt.2 | 4 |
HRT 120 | Boults | Illustrated History Of Landscape Design | 10 |
HRT 207 | Cranshaw | Garden Insects Of North America | 2ND 18 |
HRT 230 | Lagro | Site Analysis | 3RD 13 |
IDS 106 | Ching | Design Drawing | 3RD 18 |
IDS 206 | Karlen, Mark | Lighting Design Basics | 4TH 24 |
IDS 215 | Kennon | Codes Guidebook For Interiors | 8TH 22 |
ITD 210 | Frain | Responsive Web Design W/Html5+Css | 4TH 22 |
ITD 210 | Frain | Responsive Web Design W/Html5+Css3 | 3RD 20 |
ITE 170 | Goodsell | Design Better And Build Your Brand | 2023 |
ITE 170 | Hart-Davis | Teach Yourself Visually Html And Css | 2 |
MDE 60 | Barcharts | Intermediate Algebra | 20 |
MDL 105 | Strasinger | Phlebotomy Notes:Pocket Gde..Collection | 2ND 20 |
MDL 125 | Ciesla | Hematology In Practice | 3RD 18 |
MDL 243 | Buckingham | Molecular Diagnostics | 3RD 19 |
MTH 154 | Barcharts | Geometry:Part 2 | 5 |
MTH 154 | Barcharts | Geometry Part 1 | 17 |
MTH 161 | Barcharts | Pre-Calculus | 15 |
MTH 245 | Barcharts | Statistics | 5 |
MTH 261 | Barcharts | Calculus Equations+Answers | 10 |
MTH 261 | Yablonski, Ken | Calculus Methods | 17 |
MTH 261 | Barcharts | Ti 84 Plus Calculator | 13 |
MUS 227 | Izhaki | Mixing Audio:Concepts,Practices+Tools | 4TH 23 |
MUS 235 | Huber | Modern Recording Techniques | 10TH 24 |
NSG 100 | Barcharts | Nursing | 13 |