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From the Stacks - #6 July 2023: Home

July 2023




No moving truck trades

Whaddaya got?


What's The Fine for That?

Dr. alma

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Scribble scrawl

Have fun!


NOVA Library Jobs




No Moving Truck Trades

Do you have unwanted items in your campus library that might be needed at other campus libraries? Share them in our new Feature: No Moving Truck Trades.

Admittedly, this new section is poorly named because if you happen to have a moving truck and the item in question does not have a NOVA barcode, you could potentially move it yourself - but this Feature will focus on items small enough to be moved by car between campuses. It's also not a trade. It's a "take it and keep it please!" Please send items your campus has to trade (er . . . give-away) to Liz (

Manassas will lead the giveaways this month with bookends. We have six varieties to choose from, pictured below. If you are interested in coming to pick them up, please contact Nathan Mueller. He will provide specifications concerning size and metallurgic composition if you ask him politely at

We named them:

black tall
black short



Guinness World Record Overdue Book

Take heart - a 119 year overdue was returned. New Bedford Public Library can reinstate a timely tome.




Dr. Alma






Hello everyone!

Here are the answers to June’s song puzzles and the days associated with them:

  1. Little Red Corvette! National Corvette Day was June 30.
  2. Let It Go! National Let It Go Day was June 23. (a great day to get rid of things you don’t need anymore!)


July is a popular month to be on the go-especially with the nice weather and with that in mind, please enjoy the word find that’s all about “going”!


Vacant Full-time Positions

By M. Todd

Active / Advertised

AL = Collection Development/Lead Librarian

AN = Collection Development and OER Librarian


AL = one LS1

LO = one LS2 in circulation / reserves

LTS = one LS2 in cataloging

MA = one LS2 in circulation

MEC = no vacancies

WO = no vacancies