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AI Tools & Resources

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Useful AI Tools for Students

NOVA does not have any officially approved or institutional AI tools. Below you will find links to some commonly used tools.

Using JSTOR's AI Beta

Beta available through December 2024. Like it? Hate it? let us know.

Suggested Prompts

  • "Summarize this article"
  • "Find some related topics"

Dig Deeper

  • "What is that based on?"
  • "What was the result?"

Example Prompts

Rather than using AI to create your work from the ground up (your voice is important!), use AI to get feedback on your writing.

To ensure your writing conveys your intended points effectively:

"Summarize the three main points of my paper: [Provide your writing sample]"

If you need support getting started on writing your paper and aren't sure how to structure your writing:

"Act as a tutor for first-year undergraduate writing students. I am writing a 500 word persuasive essay based on [chosen topic], and I am focusing on [subtopic] and [subtopic]. Please give me an outline for my paper to help get me started."

If you need ideas for finding keywords to search in library databases, and finding where to search:

"Act as an expert librarian. I am trying to locate articles about [chosen topic]. Please give me keywords and 2-3 search strings to try, and tell me which databases I should search."

If you want broad feedback on your assignment and pointers for revision:

"Act as an expert academic editor. Provide feedback on the submitted writing, highlighting areas for improvement and suggesting ways to enhance the piece's overall quality: [Provide your writing sample]"

To locate any accidental uses of active voice in your research project:

"Check my writing and highlight areas where I use active voice: [Provide your writing sample]"