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ITD 110: Web Page Design (Gutnick-LO)

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Evaluating Websites

Google Web Search

Before using information found on a webpage, consider the following criteria to evaluate its credibility.

  • Who is the author?
  • What are the author's/organization's qualifications?
  • How reliable is the information?
  • When was it last updated?
  • Why was the website created?

Watch the video below and check out the additional text boxes for more information.

Gulf Coast State College Library. (2013, Feb 12) Evaluating Websites [Video file]. Retrieved from

WHO is the author?

Look for:

  • an author name at the top or end of the webpage
  • an "About Us" section to learn more about the organization and people involved with it

WHAT are the author's/organization's qualifications?

Look for:

  • the author's or organization's credentials in the website's "About Us" section.  Check for relevant academic degrees and experience.
  • news reports or other websites that report on or cite the author or organization.  Google them or check an article database such as Proquest.

WHEN was it last updated?

Is currency important for your topic?

Look for:

  • a 'last updated' or copyright date at the top or bottom of the webpage.

HOW reliable is the information?

Compare the information with what you've learned from other sources, including encyclopedias, books, periodical articles, or other websites.

Check to see if the website tells you what sources it used, such as books, periodical articles, other websites, or experts.

Any obvious sloppiness, such as spelling problems, typos, or dead links? If a website is sloppy in some areas, it may be sloppy in others -- such as accuracy.

What is the reputation of the author or organization?

WHY was the website created?

Websites can be created for many purposes -- to entertain, to sell products, to educate or to advocate for a particular point of view are just some examples.

Check the website's "About Us" section for information on the site's purpose or mission.

Also check the domain name in the URL for insight into the site's mission. Here are examples of domain names associated with different types of organizations:

  • .com = commercial organization:
  • .net = originally intended for businesses involved in Internet infrastructure, but often treated as an alternative to .com:
  • .org = non-profit organization:
  • .edu = educational institution:
  • .gov = government organization:
  • .mil = military organization:
  • .co.xx = country the site's from, where xx= the abbreviation for the country:

Objectivity and Bias -- Websites may take a particular point of view about a topic, so think about the tone that's used, and also find out what you can about the author or sponsoring organization and whether or not they have any biases or conflicts of interest. If the site discusses a controversial topic, does it discuss different points of view?