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CST 110 - Introduction to Communication (Alexandria)

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Periodical Article Databases

The databases listed below are included in the Library Catalog "Everything" search, but by using the individual databases you will get more powerful search options.

Why Use a Magazine, Journal or Newspaper Article?

Magazines, journals and newspapers:

  • Provide detailed information about a specific aspect of a topic.
  • Report on events, issues or scholarly research.
  • Are good sources for current or recent information.

Magazines, journals and newspapers typically do NOT provide a summary or overview of a topic.

To find a summary or overview of a topic, use an encyclopedia.

Search Tips

  • Use only the most essential words related to your topic
  • Put the word AND between each new idea.  For example:

 Buddhism AND rebirth
 Buddhism AND reincarnation
"Bodhi tree"

Interpersonal communication AND (theory OR model)
Communication accommodation theory

  • Use related terms to improve your results.  In the examples above, rebirth and reincarnation are related terms.
  • Put phrases in quotation marks.
  • Use an asterisk *  for truncation:  religio*  wil find articles with the words religion, religious, and religions