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Consumer Health
A comprehensive guide to Consumer Health resources from the NOVA Libraries and online.
Health Literacy Basics
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Online Resources
Campus Resources and Services
Local Resources and Services
Special Topics
Personal Health for Specific Populations
Age Specific Resources
LGBTQIA+ Resources
Health Information in Different Languages
BIPOC Resources
Women's Health
Age Specific Resources
American Academy of Family Physicians
for general child health information
American Academy of Pediatrics
for general child health information
Nemours Kids Health
for general child health information
National Alliance on Mental Illness
for children experiencing mental health changes and challenges
Nemours Kids Health
for general teenager health information
Sex, Etc.
for sexual wellness educational resources by and for teens
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
sexual and reproductive health resources
The Trevor Project
for resources for and about LGBTQIA+ teens
National Alliance on Mental Illness
for teenagers experiencing mental health changes and challenges
Older Adults
MedlinePlus Older Adult Health
for general information on aging and older adults
The National Council on Aging
for general information on aging and older adults
Family Caregiver Alliance
for support and resources for caregivers
Eldercare Locator
for assistance finding care for older adults
United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
for older adult resources, including information on fraud and scams
National Center on Elder Abuse
for state specific elder abuse and justice resources
LGBTQIA+ Resources
The Whitman-Walker Health System
for LGBTQIA+ in person healthcare in D.C. and a wide array of online health and advocacy resources
The Trevor Project
for resources for and about LGBTQIA+ teens
The Mental Health Coalition
for information, resources, and support for a variety of mental health needs
Advocacy and Services for LGBTQ+ Elders (SAGE)
for advocacy help and resources
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
for patient resources like a provider directory and discussion tips
Human Rights Campaign Resources for LGBTQ+ Patients
including tips and tools for finding and talking to supportive providers
The Mazzoni Center
for legal services, education and professional development, peer support groups, and more
Health Information in Different Languages
Use these websites to access free health information in different languages:
MedlinePlus Espanol
Documentos de lectura fácil
Medicinas, hierbas y suplementos
in Multiple Languages
for health information in different languages and resources for caring for people of different cultures
Health Information Translations
search by language or topic
SPIRAL: Selected Patient Information in Asian Languages
search by language or by topic
Question Builder App
that allows you to create and save health questions in English or Spanish
BIPOC Resources
American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/IN)
MedlinePlus American Indian and Alaska Native Health
for topic specific information and resources for the AI/IN community
CDC Healthy Tribes
for information and resources specific to health issues in the AI/IN community
Indian Health Service
for healthcare and wellness information for the AI/IN community
Black and African American
MedlinePlus Black and African American Health
for topic specific information and resources for the Black community
Black Health
for resources and health education for Black and African Americans
MedlinePlus Latino and Hispanic American Health
for topic specific information and resources for the Latinx and Hispanic communities
Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI)
MedlinePlus Asian American Health
for topic specific information and resources for the AAPI community
MedlinePlus Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Health
for topic specific information and resources for the AAPI community
BIPOC Mental Health
The Mental Health Coalition
for a list of BIPOC centered mental health resources
National Alliance on Mental Illness
for mental health information and resources specific to BIPOC community members
Women's Health
MedlinePlus Women's Health
for topic specific information and resources
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists
for topic specific information
CDC Reproductive Health
for topic specific information and resources
CDC Women's Reproductive Health
for topic specific information and resources
National Women's Health Network
for topic specific information and resources
National Women's Health Network Trusted Outside Resources
for a list of external resources
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
for sexual and reproductive health resources
Special Topics