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ENG 111: College Composition I (Maggio-Loudoun)

Research tips for your research paper! Direct comments and questions to Eliza Selander,


The best way to locate current academic articles is through the library databases. 

Some of the key databases for locating relevant sources on a broad range of topics are located below. 

You may also locate articles in subject-specific databases by going to Databases by Subject and looking under the relevant category(ies) for your research topic. 

Search Tips

Select the most important 2-3 terms related to your topic.  Put the word AND between each new term; this tells the database to look for resources with ALL your terms.

influence AND nonverbal communication

Use quotation marks ( "  " ) around phrases (two or more words); this tells the database to look for the words in that specific order.

"nonverbal communication" AND influence

Use an asterisk ( * ) to find multiple endings of one word.  Using pollut* as a search term will include results that refer to globe, global, globalized and globalization.
