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ENG 111/ENF 3: College Composition I (Online)

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How to use Proquest

Search tips: 

1)  For quick access to full-text articles, remember to check the "Full text" box!

Full Text Checkbox in ProQuest

2) Use keywords to search

Select the most important 2-3 keywords in your topic. These are terms related to your topic. For instance, let's say your argument essay debates if cats show more affection than dogs. Your keywords could be:

cats, dogs, affection

 ProQuest Sample Search

ProQuest Citations

Citation Tool:

Each article within this database has a citation tool . Here is how you find it:

1. Click the link to the article.

2. In the menu above the article's title, click the Cite link.

Location of the Cite button in ProQuest

3. In the drop down box, select the correct citation style for your course. ENG 111 uses MLA.

ProQuest MLA 8th Citation

4. Copy and paste the citation into your document. Remember to check the citation for errors after you have copied it. 

ProQuest MLA 8th Copy Citation Button