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ENG 112: Dual Enrollment: College Composition II (Woodgrove HS-Loudoun)

This guide has been created to help you find library resources related to this program of study. Direct comments to Julie Combs,

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What is the level of personal accountability in the military?

General Commentary/Morality Sources

Bowe Bergdahl

  • Bowe Bergdahl
  • deserter OR desertion OR military desertion
  • personal accountability OR moral responsibility OR military ethics
  • military OR military service
  • Uniform Code of Military Justice

Chelsea Manning (Bradley Manning)

  • Chelsea Manning OR Bradley Manning
  • leaks (disclosure of information)
  • whistleblower OR Wikileaks
  • national security
  • espionage OR Espionage Act
  • personal accountability OR moral responsibility OR military ethics
  • military OR military service
  • Uniform Code of Military Justice