The Manassas Campus Library has six group study rooms available to students.

- Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis.
- Rooms are intended for group work. An individual may use a room until a group needs it, at which point library staff will ask the individual to leave the room. When several rooms are being occupied by individuals, the decision regarding which individual will be asked to leave is at the library staff's discretion.
- Rules regarding the use of the group study rooms are posted on the door of each room.
- Each room has a collaboration station with a computer running Windows 10. These stations enable users to quickly and easily connect devices and view the display of any of the connected devices on the large monitor. Instructions for using the stations are available at the front desk.
- Each room has a table, chairs, and a dry-erase whiteboard.
- Dry-erase markers are available for check out at the front desk with a valid NOVACard.