It is a good idea to evaluate and update Course Guides every semester and Subject Guides every 12 months. To create a checklist of all the guides you own in the "Guides" menu:
Is this guide still relevant? Some questions to ask yourself are:
Did it serve its purpose? Some questions to ask yourself are:
Are there new resources that need to be added?
When updating your guides, you should also check the links in all of your owned assets. You may be the owner of assets that you are not currently using but other guides are. To get a full list of your owned assets:
Like all link checkers the first time you run this you will have a lot of false positives, especially if the link requires a log-in to access the materials. You can add the link to the “exclusion” list by selecting the plus sign next to the trash can in the action column. This will make it so the link is never checked by this link checker. It’s important to periodically check all the links you have excluded. To access the exclusion list scroll to the top of the page and click on the “Exclusions” tab just under the “Link Checker” page title.
**Note: clicking the trashcan in this report removes the link FROM THE REPORT, it does not delete the link. If you want to delete the link, you will need to locate the link in the Assets list described in the Assets section above.