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ART 102: History And Appreciation of Art II (Weber-Loudoun)

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Art Historical Analysis

ART 102 - Art Historical Analysis:  The formal writing assignment for this class will be an exercise in art historical analysis. Your essay will present your formal and contextual analysis of one artwork that you have visited in person this semester at a major art gallery or museum.

You may not select a work that has been discussed in class and the work should fall within the parameters of our course, ie: a Western artwork from the Renaissance through the Modern era.

This essay should be 5 to 7 pages in length, (approx. 1250-1750 words), with double-spaced text, in 12pt font and should follow the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style citation method.  Your bibliography page must include at least 3 academic sources for your essay in addition to your textbook.

Prof. Weber has provided a separate art criticism rubric that addresses both writing mechanics and formal analysis.

For more detailed instructions, including due dates for your essay topics, academic source list and the final draft of the paper, please refer to the ART 102 Canvas page.