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BIO 101 Labs (Alexandria)

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BIO 101 Lab Writing Assignment

You will use the information found through this research guide for your assignment comparing two articles: one article that is more popular and one article that is more scholarly.  

  • The assignment will be submitted to and graded by your lab instructor.
  • Consult your syllabus, lab instructor, or the biology lab blog for due date.

Top Sources for BIO 101 Lab Writing Assignment

Search Tips:

  • Select the fewest words possible to type into the search box -- just the ones most important to your topic.
  • Type   AND   between each new word or idea.  For example: 
            coral AND sunscreen
           coral AND oxybenzone

  • Use database filters
    • Full Text
    • Publication Date
    • Source Type
      "Peer reviewed" = scholarly
      "Magazine" and "Newspaper" = popular

For more search tips go to the Article Databases page.