- Select the most important 2-4 words related to your topic.
What are the effects of medication on children with ADHD?
- Put the word AND between each new word or idea; this tells the database to look for articles with ALL terms.
medication AND children AND adhd AND effect
- Use synonyms, related terms, and subject headings:
ritalin AND children AND attention deficit hyperactivity disorder AND effect
methylphenidate AND children AND attention deficit hyperactivity disorder AND effect
drug therapy AND children AND attention deficit hyperactivity disorder AND effect
- Use quotation marks ( " " ) around phrases; this tells the database to look for the words right next to each other.
"drug therapy" AND children AND attention deficit hyperactivity disorder AND effect
- Use the database's filters:
Full Text
Source Type
Publication Date
- Look at the number of results.
Too Many: Add keywords or be more specific.
Too Few: Change keywords or make them more broad.