For individual research help, schedule an appointment to meet with a librarian.
Picking a topic is research. Narrowing, widening, or otherwise adjusting your topic is a normal part of the process as you collect more information and prepare to write your paper. Starting with a topic you're interested in and giving yourself enough time to learn and make changes can make a big difference in the quality of your final project. Learn more about the research process with the short video below.
What are ways artificial intelligence could affect employment?
Identify the concepts that are essential to your question. Those are your keywords:
What are ways artificial intelligence could affect employment?
Type AND between each keyword to ensure results address all key concepts:
artificial intelligence AND employment
Use quotation marks to ensure phrases or connected words stay together:
"artificial intelligence" AND employment
Use synonyms and related terms to broaden your search and see new results:
"artificial intelligence" AND jobs
"artificial intelligence" AND unemployment
"artificial intelligence" AND underemployment
Use OR to search for synonyms or related terms all at once:
employment OR jobs OR unemployment OR underemployment
Use NOT to indicate terms you want to exclude from your results:
"artificial intelligence" NOT ChatGPT
Use an asterisk to truncate terms
tech* (the database will search for all words that start with tech, like technology, technologies, technical, etc.)
Use parentheses to group keywords together:
("artificial intelligence" OR AI) AND (employment OR jobs OR unemployment OR underemployment)
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Infographic by UW Green Bay Libraries
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