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ENG 112: College Composition II (Walshak-Loudoun)

Essay 3: Research Paper

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Research Paper

Compose an essay that uses at least five sources in a meaningful way. You may choose to write an analysis essay, a position paper, or some other genre of essay discussed in the course textbook.

Some potential research topics include:

  • Historical events
  • Cultural trends
  • Social and/or political issues
  • Any other topic that interests you. The best research papers come from a genuine interest in the topic

As always, your essay should adhere to the Characteristic Features of a college level essay, as well as the Characteristic Features of the essay genre you choose.

The target word count for this essay is 2,500 to 3k words.

To submit, you must upload a properly-formatted document containing your essay.

For additional information, please refer to the assignment details below or contact your professor. 


Feel free to use this "completion" checklist to make sure that you achieve the goals of the assignment. Completion credit will be awarded to students who submit thorough and thoughtful work. Please see Course Syllabus for late work policy.

  • Word document includes a header, page numbers, an essay title, indented paragraphs, and 12 pt. Times New Roman font (MLA Format)
  • Essay follows MLA Format and includes proper in-text documentation throughout and a Works Cited page on the final page of the Word document
  • Essay exhibits excellent written expression, including proper grammar, spelling, and puctuation
  • Essay adheres to the expectations listed above including traget word count and Characteristic Features of the chosen genre
  • At least 5 sources used