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Veterinary Technology

Guide created by Eliza Selander. Direct comments to Julie Combs,

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Article Databases

Veterinary Clinics of North America

You can find scholarly journal articles within the eJournal Veterinary Clinics of North America

Veterinary Clinics of North America:

JAVMA - Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

JAVMA - Published twice monthly, this peer-reviewed, general scientific journal provides reports of clinical research, feature articles, and regular columns of interest to veterinarians in private and public practice. Available from 2000 Volume: 216 Issue: 1 - Current Issue.

Search Strategy:

  1. Search by keywords in the search box.
  2. Within the initial results page, refine your results by access (Content accessible to me) and by date (5-year publication date limit).
  3. On the refined results page, click on the article title to access the full-text article. 
  4. Look for additional keywords and/or related content. Also look for the toolbar that provides email and citation options.

Search Tips

Select the most important 2-3 terms related to your topic:

  • Put the word AND between each new term; this tells the database to look for resources with ALL your terms.

arthritis AND horses

  • Use quotation marks ( "  " ) around phrases (two or more words); this tells the database to look for the words in that specific order.

"equine arthritis" AND horses

  • Use the asterisk (*) to find multiple endings of one word. Using horse* as a search term will include results that refer to horse and horses.
"equine arthritis" AND horse*