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Emergency Medical Services

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Infectious Disease Paper

Check out these databases to find information on your infectious disease such as epidemiology, pathophysiology, signs & symptoms, treatment, and information on how the disease is contracted.

In CINAHL and other databases that contain journal articles, search for articles that discuss how Emergency Medical Services effect the treatment of your disease.  Remember that each keyword should go in it's own search box.  OR statements should be written in one search box.
An example of a search might be (EMS OR "emergency medical services") AND Ebola

Patient with a Challenge Presentation

Try Gale Biography in Context for biography information on your person.  Try to pick a person that has been living with their challenge for a while so that there is information about how they have learned to overcome that challenge.  Suggestion to get your started are Michael J. Fox, Christopher Reeve, Marlee Matlin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Magic Johnson, Selma Blair, or Stephen Hawking.

Use DynaMed and Nursing Reference Center to research the challenge that your person is living with.

Try Academic Search Complete and CINAHL to search for articles from journals, newspapers, and magazine that discuss your person and their challenge.  Use keywords such as the person's name and the challenge.  You might also considering using the NOT boolean term to eliminate articles that are written in support of the person's foundation, if they have one.  And example of this would be:

Christopher Reeve AND spinal injury NOT foundation

Culture Presentation

Use these databases and websites to find information on your countries culture such as the country's flag, a map of the country, demographics, recipes, and more.

Use these websites to find information about the healthcare system in your country.

Use this database and research guide to find information on treating patients with culturally competent care.  

This book is a great resource for information on the health and healthcare or different cultural groups:

Google is good. Libraries are better.

Searching Library Databases

Which database should I use?

How to find the full text

How to find help at the library

Citing Rehab Reference Center in APA

The easiest way to get an APA citation for a Nursing Reference Center article is to open the article and locate the email link at the upper right of the article. 

You can then email a PDF of the article, if available, along with the APA citation to yourself.

Make sure the check the box for citation format and to change the drop down menu to APA.

Here is what the citation should look like. 

Boling, B., & March, P. (2018). Ebola. CINAHL Nursing Guide. Retrieved from

You can find all the information for the citation in the Citation section of the article.  The information just isn't put in a correctly formatted citation.  To locate the Citation section of the article, look at the top left of the article for the Citation link.

If the citation that you are provided looks different and you aren't sure how to correct it, ask for help at the library.  It is your responsibility to make sure that all the information and formatting including in the citation is correct.  Use a citation style guide such as Purdue OWL or ask a librarian for assistance.