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Paralegal Studies

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Find Cases, Statutes, and Legislation in Westlaw

On Westlaw's main page, select the type of source you want:

  • Cases
  • Statutes & Court Rules
  • Proposed & Enacted Legislation

After making your selection, you will be taken to a page where you can either search that content, or navigate to more specific content (e.g., by state).

Search Tips

AND Type AND between each new word or ideas. 
For example:  animals AND welfare
"   " Use quotation marks when you want two or more words to be together. 
For example:  "South Korea"     "climate change"
OR Include one or more words. 
For example:   pets OR dogs OR cats

Find words within "n" words of the second.
For example:   animal /3 rescue


KeyCite in Westlaw

Westlaw's KeyCite is used to determine if a case is good law, and to find documents that cite the case.

  • Search for a case (by citation or topic).
  • When viewing the case, look for the KeyCite flag.

According to Westlaw:

"The flags tell you that you should not rely on the case.

  • A red flag warns that the case is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  • A yellow flag warns that the case has some negative history but has not been reversed or overruled."