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ART 100 & ART 101: Art Appreciation (Chen-Alexandria)

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Article Databases

Search Tips

Select the most important 2-4 words related to your topic.  Put the word AND between each new word or idea; this tells the database to look for resources with ALL your terms.

egypt AND sculpture

Use quotation marks ( "  " ) around phrases (two or more words); this tells the database to look for the words together, as a phrase.

"dancing girl" AND harappa AND culture

Use the asterisk (*) to truncate a word; this tells the database to look for all words that have the same base.  In the example below, search results would include "paint", "painting", "painter", etc...

cave AND paint*


If you don’t get enough articles, use the Advanced Search option to look for the most specific term in the complete text of the article (e.g., for the search lamassu AND Assyria*, look for lamassu in the complete text).

Video: Finding Scholarly Journal Articles

Why Use Scholarly Journal Articles?

Articles from scholarly journals are often peer reviewed.

  • Before an article can be published in a peer reviewed journal, the journal requires that other scholars in the author's field (the author's peers) critically evaluate the article.
  • Peer review is a kind of quality control process used to help ensure that the article represents the best scholarship available. 

Journal articles:

  • Provide detailed information about a specific aspect of a topic (so what you search on should be fairly specific).
  • Describe in depth the scholarly research that led to new discoveries, or in-depth analysis of a topic.
  • Are often peer reviewed - before the article is published, other experts (the author's peers) critically evaluate the article; this is a kind of quality control process used to help ensure the article represents the best scholarship possible.

Journal articles typically do NOT provide a summary or overview of a topic.

Learn more about identifying scholarly sources.

Learn more about finding scholarly/peer reviewed journal articles.

Why Use a Scholarly Journal Article?

Journal articles:

  • Provide detailed information about a specific aspect of a topic (so what you search on should be fairly specific).
  • Describe in depth the scholarly research that led to new discoveries, or in-depth analysis of a topic.

Journal articles typically do NOT provide a summary or overview of a topic.

Where's the Rest of the Article?

Sometimes an article database, such as Art & Architecture Complete (EBSCO), only provides a citation for an article but not the complete text.   Or, you might find a useful sounding article listed in the "Sources Cited" section of a book or article. NOVA might have the complete text of the article in a different database, thoughClick here to learn how to find out.