Finally, combine any one of the keywords from each group using the search connector AND.
1. Poe AND Hawthorne AND symbolism
2. "The Raven" AND symbols
3. "The Scarlet Letter" AND symbolism
Different combinations of search terms will give you very different results, so you may want to try several different search strategies to see which gives you the best results.
Advanced Search Strategies
Use OR to look for synonyms. OR looks for either term, so a search for Poe OR Hawthorne finds articles that use either term but not necessarily both.
Use quotation marks [“ “] to search for multi-word phrases. A search for The Scarlet Letter will automatically look for the terms Scarlet and Letter (ignoring The), but they may appear in completely different parts of the article. For example, you might find an article about the letter that my friend Scarlet wrote.
Use an asterisk [*] for truncation. For example, use symbol* to find symbol, symbols, symbolism, symbolic, etc.
1. (Poe OR Hawthorne) AND symbol*
2. Poe AND Hawthorne AND "Dark Romanticism"