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PHT 227: Photography Positions Research Project (Carr - Alexandria)

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Google Search Tips

Here's how to get fewer and more relevant results:

  • Identify the main ideas related to your topic.
       What are some associations for real estate photographers?
  • Use quotation marks around 2 or more words that need to be together.
          "real estate" 
  • Limit your search to a specific domain, such as .edu, .gov, or .org.
          "real estate" photographer association

Additional Searching Tips

Be persistent.

Be observant.  Use clues, such as names of associations or people, in websites and articles to lead you to more information.

Be skeptical.  Evaluate any source:

  • who wrote it?
  • where did the information come from?
  • who published/sponsors it?
  • is it up-to-date?
  • are there ads? is the source trying to sell something?

Use these strategies in library databases:

  • Type in just the most important two or three words/ideas.
  • Type AND between each new idea.
  • Put phrases in quotation marks.
  • Use * to represent multiple endings for a word.
  • Use synonyms and related terms.

("real estate" OR "real property") AND photograph*

Articles and News

Librarian Videos

These videos were created by former NOVA librarian Paul Chapman.

Job Information

School Rankings and Informaiton