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Loudoun Campus Library Course Reserves

Updated for Spring 2025. Direct comments to

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Loudoun Campus Library: Course Reserves

This guide contains up-to-date information regarding the reserve collection at the Loudoun Campus Library. Course Reserves are located behind the Circulation Desk within LC 300 (Learning Commons, 300 Suite) and are a collection of textbooks and other supplemental materials made available by Loudoun instructors and academic divisions for student use. Generally, these items are specific for courses being offered at Loudoun and are checked out for in-library use only.


Course Reserves are made up of three main groups:

  • Course Materials: textbooks, lab manuals, models, kits, and supplemental/study materials for NOVA Loudoun courses.
  • Equipment: calculators, headphones, webcams, whiteboards, and whiteboard markers.
  • Testing Resources: study materials for the ATI TEAS exam, and ACCUPLACER and VPT placement tests.

For Faculty: Requesting Course Reserves

Loudoun Faculty who want to put an item on course reserve can submit a Course Reserve Form

Before submitting a course reserve request, please take a moment to complete the following steps:

  1. Review the Course Reserve policies on the Circulation section of our Library Policies page. 

  2. Verify Existing Course Reserves (optional): Utilize this guide to determine if the item(s) you wish to place on reserve are already available. The page corresponds directly to your academic pathway and department's 3-letter code (e.g., Biology = Mathematics, Sciences, Technologies & Business > BIO).

  3. Search the Library Catalog: Search the library catalog to confirm whether the library already owns a copy of the item you'd like to place on reserve.

Ready to Submit a Course Reserve Request?

Once you've checked the existing reserves and library catalog, proceed to complete the Course Reserve form.

The form will prompt you with the following selection regarding item availability:

  • Does the Library Own the Item?
    • Yes (Library Owned Item): Select this option if the library already has a copy of the item in its collection.
    • No (Faculty Donation): If the library does not currently own the item, we encourage you to consider donating a copy. Please select this option if you plan to donate the item.

In the event that you are unable to donate a copy, you may suggest a resource. Please be aware that these requests are carefully evaluated by the Loudoun Collection Development Librarian based on funding availability and alignment with collection development policies.

Processing Time:

Please allow 3 business days for your requested item to become available on course reserve, following both the submission of your form and the receipt of your donation (if applicable).

For Students: Finding & Using Course Reserves

​​​​​To determine whether your course materials are available through the library, select the appropriate division (LASS, MSTB, Health Sciences) from the left hand menu. Materials are organized by department and listed in numerical order by course number. 

You may also wish to use the catalog to search: 

  1. On the Books & eBooks tab, under the library catalog search box, click on Advanced Search
  2. On the  Search for menu, click on the button next to  Everything. 
  3. You may use the Any field to search by all fields in the course reserve record:
    • Course name
    • Course instructor
    • Course ID (Course code)
    • Course department (Academic department)
    • Course section number
    • Campus name
  4. To search by individual fields in the course reserve record, click on the Any field drop-down menu.
  5. Enter your search terms and click on the Search link.
  6. On the list of results, click on the title of an item or the  Available at the link for more information. 

To borrow course materials or equipment, please visit the circulation desk and let a staff member know which item you would like to borrow. You will need your NOVAcard/student ID to borrow materials.