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ENG 111: College Composition I - Essay Research (B-Alexandria)

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Top Databases for ENG 111

Database Search Tips

  • Select the fewest words possible to type into the search box -- just the ones most important to your topic. 

                      Contact sports for children should be banned because of the associated risks.

  • Type   AND   between each new word or idea.  For example: 
          contact sports AND children AND risks
  • Put quotation marks (" ") around phrases.  For example: 
         "contact sports"  AND children AND risks  
  • Use synonyms and related terms. For example:
         football AND children AND risks
    football AND teenagers AND risks 

         football AND teenagers AND concussion
         football AND teenagers AND brain injury
  • Use filters to refine your list of results:
    • Full Text
    • Type of Source:  News, Magazines, Peer-reviewed journals, etc.
    • Publication Date

Search the Library Catalog: Select EVERYTHING for Books and Articles

Library Catalog Search Tips

  • For more results than just books, click on Advanced Search or EVERYTHING.  This includes books, articles, videos, and encyclopedia (reference) articles.
  • Use the same Database Search Tips above to type in your topic:  "contact sports" AND children AND risks
  • Use filters/limiters:
    • Type of Source:  Newspaper Articles, Books, Peer-reviewed journals, etc.
    • Publication Date
    • Location (e.g., a campus or Full Text Online)

​​​​​​​The databases listed above are included in the Library Catalog "Everything" search, but by using the individual databases you will get more powerful search options.