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A bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, Web sites, periodicals, etc.) one has used for researching a topic. Bibliographies are sometimes called "References" or "Works Cited" depending on the style format you are using. A bibliography usually just includes the bibliographic information (i.e., the author, title, publisher, etc.).
What Is an Annotated Bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by an annotation, a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive paragraph that summarizes and evaluates or analyzes the source. Annotated bibliographies provide an opportunity for you to learn more about your research topic, assess and evaluate sources, and discuss the ways in which each source contributes to the larger context of your paper.
Depending on your project or the assignment, your annotations may do one or more of the following.
The Process
Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills: concise exposition, succinct analysis, and informed library research.
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A summative annotation condenses key points or arguments in a source. Write the summative annotations as if you are summarizing the source to an audience who is unfamiliar with the work.
Cochran, Cynthia A., and Luke Beatty. Teaching the Annotated Bibliography : A Resource for Instructors, Librarians, and Other Academic Professionals. Routledge, 2023.
A reflective annotation tells how and in what context one plans to use a source (or how others might use it). This refection connects one’s knowledge of a source to one’s research goals.
Cochran, Cynthia A., and Luke Beatty. Teaching the Annotated Bibliography : A Resource for Instructors, Librarians, and Other Academic Professionals. Routledge, 2023.