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ENG 111: College Composition I - Language, Literacy, & Composition Studies (Chandler-Alexandria)

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Search the Library Catalog

Library Catalog/Database Search Tips

  • Select  EVERYTHING  (above the search box).  This will search multiple library databases simultaneously, and will include results from many sources, including magazines, newspapers, books, and scholarly journals. 
  • Select the fewest words possible to type into the search box -- just the ones most important to your topic. 
                          How does word choice affect public opinion?
  • Type   AND   between each new word or idea.  For example: 
         "word choice" AND "public opinion"

  • Use synonyms and related terms. For example:
         language AND communication AND "public opinion"
    phrasing AND "public opinion"
    vocabulary AND "public opinion"
    jargon AND "public opinion"
  • Use quotation marks with phrases (2 or more words that MUST be together):  "climate change"  "hate speech"  "free speech"  "public opinion"  "social media"
  • Use limiters to just view articles that are Full Text  and to just view certain types of sources (e.g., newspapers, books).

Top Databases for ENG 111

The databases listed below are included in the Library Catalog "Everything" search, but by using the individual databases you will get more powerful search options.

Keywords Worksheet

From Winona State University.  Do not use phone number and emails listed at the end of the video.