1. Do you prefer taking notes on paper or on a computer? How will you keep track of your research?
2. Have you selected a topic? (Or, for this particular assignment: have you selected an essay to analyze?) Once you have a general topic in mind, brainstorm 5-10 related search terms BEFORE you start your research. This will help you define your research question.
For example: Search terms for Technology & the Brain could include specific terms linked to brain health and technology use, such as ADHD, attention deficit, or addiction. Search terms for Blue-Collar Workers could include related words or terms, like assembly line, manual labor, or construction. Search terms can also include names of people, events, or places: while researching Trigger Warnings you could use terms like Uvalde shooting, Hurricane Katrina, or Brock Turner rape.
*See Creating Your Search Statements for more ideas about how to search your topic most effectively.
3. Save what you find (print it or email it to yourself) and keep it in a place you can easily find it again.