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ENG 111: College Composition I (Stanbach-Loudoun)

Direct comments to Michael English,

Films on Demand

Films on Demand is a comprehensive collection of more than 8,000 videos covering a wide range of academic subjects such as anthropology, communication, environmental science, world languages, and much more.

Currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff can access these videos both on and off campus. If you are off campus, you will need to login with your MyNOVA username and password. Professors may show videos from this collection during class sessions.

Anyone can create a user account in Films on Demand to take advantage of all the features offered by this database.  Some features include the ability to:

  • Create and share playlists,
  • Save your favorite videos for quick access, and
  • Set your default preferences.


A fair assortment of videos in Films on Demand include closed-captioning.  This feature can be toggled on or off by rolling the mouse pointer over the upper right corner of the video player window.  The easiest way to locate videos with close-captions is by using the Advanced Search function to limit search results to titles with closed-captioning.

Film databases for documentaries

The following databases offer a great selection of documentary and educational videos.