For more results than just books, click on Advanced Search or EVERYTHING. This includes books, articles, videos, and encyclopedia (reference) articles.
- Select the fewest words possible to type into the search box:
- How does medical gaslighting impact women?
- Type AND between each new concept or idea. For example:
- women AND medical gaslighting
- Use quotation marks (" ") around phrases. For example:
- women AND "medical gaslighting"
- Use synonyms and related terms. For example:
- women AND healthcare AND gaslighting
- women AND healthcare AND "gender bias"
- women AND healthcare AND sexism
- Use the asterisk ( * ) to shorten or truncate a word. This tells the database to look for all words that have a similar base. In the example below, search results would include "medical" or "medicine."
- women AND medic* AND "gender bias"
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- Type of Source: Peer Reviewed Articles, Reference [encyclopedia] Articles, Newspaper Articles, Books, etc.
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