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ENG 257: Mythological Literature (Nayak-Loudoun)

This guide has been created to help you find books, articles, videos, and other types of resources related to this program of study. Direct comments to Julie Combs,

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Hindu Mythology: Group Presentation

With your group develop a 15-20 minute presentation based on the topic that the group has selected. (See suggested topics below).  This presentation can be creative, textual, interactive, or it can be a combination of formats.

The presentation must address all aspects of the topic from the perspective of the myth onion.  In other words, it must look at aspects of sociology, man-divine relationship, religious and cultural rituals, geography, spirituality, psychology, philosophy, and any other aspect that is particularly relevant to the topic.  Most importantly, it must include symbology--myths and their interpretation and analyses--as these relate to the topic.

For more information, please review the Hindu Group Presentation document.