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GEO 200: Introduction to Physical Geography (Crain-Loudoun)

This guide has been created to help you find geographic, economic, social/cultural information and more from country reports, articles, and other types of resources related to this program of study. Direct comments to Julie Combs,

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Research Assignments

One month prior to the presentation of the poster you are to hand in a 5-page paper that provides the contents of the poster (a topic of your choice which should be applied to a region and/or regions in the world) in written form.

For more information, please review the Paper on Poster Topic document.

You will be asked to prepare an academic poster of a topic of your choice which should be applied to a region and/or regions in the world.

For more information, please review the Academic Poster document.

Suggested Topics

  • Alpine Glaciers (present and future issues associated with increased melting)
  • The Aral Sea - man-made changes and resultant issues (choose a large system)
  • The Atacama Desert and issues of extractive industries
  • Biomes (animals or plants) - This could involve the migration routes of wildebeest / zebras, etc. in Eastern Africa and the problems arising from interactions with human land use
  • Combating the growth of the Sahara to the south (Sahel area - issues and success)
  • Continental Glaciers -(problems associated with subglacial lakes; increased melting)
  • Global Warming/Climate Change (changes causing issues such as torrential rains, droughts, wildfires)
  • Groundwater overuse in selected areas (Ogallala aquifer; underneath the Sahara; India and associated problems)
  • Hurricanes (issues associated with a major one in the world)
  • Meteorological maps/mapping and associated issues
  • El Nino / La Nina (problems associated with these phenomena)
  • The Namib Desert and issues of uranium mining
  • Plate Tectonics and impact
  • A river  system and man-made changes and resultant issues (choose a large system)
  • The Salton Sea in CA - natural and man-made changes and associated issues
  • Severe thunderstorms (US) and associated issues
  • Tsunamis (issues associated with a specific one)
  • Volcanism (issues associated with a specific eruption)
  • Wildfires and associated issues
  • Local Winds and associated issues (Santa Ana Winds; Sirocco; Harmattan)