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MEC APA 7th Edition Guide

Guide to the formatting, citation, and reference using APA 7th ed. format

Books & eBooks

The 7th edition of APA does not differentiate between the format of the books, print or electronic. Cite both the same way. If you have an open-access eBook, you may provide the URL at the end, provided it directly takes you to the full text without logging in.


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book. Publisher.


George, M. W. (2008). The elements of library research: What every student needs to know. Princeton University Press. 

(George, 2008)

Kleiser, G. (2008). Fifteen thousand useful phrases. Funk & Wagnalls; Project Gutenberg. (Original work published 1917)

(Kleiser, 1917/2008)

Du Toit, B. M. (1990). Aging and menopause among Indian South African Women. SUNY Press. 

(Du Toit, 1990)

Note: When citing in-text, it can be difficult if your eBook does not have a page number (most PDF books do). In this case, try to get as specific as possible by mentioning chapter, section, and paragraph numbers.

One of the author's main points is that "people don't rise from nothing" (Gladwell, 2008, Chapter 1, Section 2, para. 5).

Source: APA Publication Manual or Concise Guide, 10.2 (examples 20-26); Book References [APA Style]

Book with an Editor


Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title of book. Publisher.


Johnson, C. L., & Tuite, C. (Eds.). (2009). A companion to Jane Austen. Wiley-Blackwell. 

(Johnson & Tuite, 2009)

Source: APA Publication Manual or Concise Guide, 10.2 (example 25)

Edition of Books Other Than the First


Author, A. A. (Date). Title of book (xth ed.). Publisher.


This title does not have a DOI.

Chandler, C. K. (2017). Animal assisted-therapy in counseling (3rd ed.). Routledge.

(Chandler, 2017, p. 59)

Source: APA Publication Manual or Concise Guide, 10.2 

Chapter in an Edited Book


Author of Chapter, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xxx–xxx). Publisher.


 Ghose, I. (2016). Shakespeare's legacy of storytelling. In P. Holbrook & P. Edmondson, (Eds.). Shakespeare's creative legacies: Artists, writers, performers, readers (pp. 165-177). The Arden Shakespeare.

(Ghose, 2016, 170)


Source: APA Publication Manual or Concise Guide, 10.3 (examples 38-45); Edited Book Chapter References [APA Style]


Whole Anthology


Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title of book. Publisher.


Grene, D. & Lattimore, R. (Eds.). (1959). The complete Greek tragedies. University of Chicago Press.

(Grene & Lattimore, 1959)

Work in an Anthology


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. In A. A. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. XX–XX). Publisher. (Original work published Year)


Ibsen, Henrik. (2002). A doll's house. In R. S. Gwynn (Ed.), Drama: A pocket anthology (2nd ed., pp. 209–277). Longman. (Original work published 1879)

(Ibsen, 1879/2002)

Source: APA Publication Manual or Concise Guide, 10.2 (example 34) and 10.3 (example 46)

Entry in a Dictionary


Author, A. A. (Year). Entry name. In Title of book (xth ed., p. XX). Publisher.


Johnson, W. J. (2009). Gotra. In A dictionary of Hinduism (p. 131). Oxford University Press.

(Johnson, 2009)

Source: Dictionary Entry References [APA Style]

Entries in a Reference Book

Always look carefully for a byline/author; this is usually at either the beginning or the end of an entry.

With Entry Author


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of entry. In A. Editor (Ed.), Title of reference work (xth ed., Vol. xx, pp. xxx–xxx). Publisher.


Hodges, W. (2006). First-order logic. In D. M. Borchert (Ed.), The encyclopedia of philosophy (2nd ed., Vol. 3, pp. 639–659). Thomson Gale.

(Hodges, 2006)

No Entry Author


Title of entry. (Year). In A. Editor (Ed.), Title of reference work (xth ed., Vol. xx, pp. xxx–xxx). Publisher.


Southeast Asia. (2003). In The new encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropedia (15th ed., Vol. 27, pp. 711–794). Encyclopaedia Britannica.

("Southeast Asia," 2003)

Source: APA Publication Manual or Concise Guide, 10.3 (examples 47-48)

Entries in Online Encyclopedias


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of entry. In A. Editor (Ed.), Title of reference work (xx ed.). Website. http://xxxxx

Example 1: Individual Author

Masolo, D. (2006). African sage philosophy. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Fall 2008 ed.). Stanford University.

(Masolo, 2006)

Example 2: Group Author

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. (n.d.) Antisemitism. In Holocaust encyclopedia. Retrieved October 7, 2019, from

(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d.)

Note: If the author is the same as the website, omit the website component. If an encyclopedia is continuously updated and does not have an archived version, include the retrieval date.

Source: APA Publication Manual or Concise Guide, 10.3 (examples 47-48)

Diagnostic Manuals

For Diagnostic Manuals, such as the DSM and the ICD.


Corporate Author. (Year). Title (# ed.). DOI


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). 

Specific Entry in a Manual

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Anxiety disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). 

In-text citations

First parenthetical in-text citation (after the quote or paraphrase):

(5th. ed.; DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013)

Subsequent parenthetical in-text citations:

(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)


First narrative in-text citation example:

The American Psychiatric Association's (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5) states "quote quote quote" (p. 456). 

Subsequent narrative in-text citation example:

The American Psychiatric Association (2013) outlines three subtypes of sleep apnea as idiopathic central sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and Cheyne-Stokes breathing (p. 384).

Source: APA Publication Manual or Concise Guide, 10.2 (example 32)

Books in another language


Author, A. A. (Year). Foreign title [Translated title]. Publisher.


Paz, O. (1959). El laberinto de la soledad [The labyrinth of solitude]. Fondo de Cultura Económica.

(Paz, 1959)

Source: APA Publication Manual or Concise Guide, 10.2 (example 27)

Illustrated Books

Only include the illustrator if the pictures are essential to understanding content (e.g., picture books, graphic novels) and if they are listed on the front cover.


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book (B. B. Illustrator, Illus.). Publisher.


Napoli, D. J. (2014). Hands and hearts (A. Bates, Illus.). Abrams Books for Young Readers.

(Napoli, 2014)

Source: Children’s Book or Other Illustrated Book References [APA Style]

Sacred Texts

Religious works are considered to not have a specific author.


Title of religious work (A. A. Translator, Trans.). (Year). Publisher. (Original work published Year)


The Green Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (2008). HarperOne.

(The Green Bible, Luke 12:49)

The Qur'an (M. A. S. Abdel Haleem, Trans.) (2010). Oxford University Press

(The Qur'an, 5:3–4)

Note: Use chapter/verses for in-text citations as opposed to page numbers.

Sources: APA Publication Manual or Concise Guide, 9.42 and 10.2 (example 35); Religious Work References [APA Style]

SDV101 online textbook College Success

The SDV 101 online textbook is an authored Open Education Resource ebook published by University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. This citation construction is based on information supplied by the publisher and shared with SDV101H instructors.

Since this is an authored, not edited, book, basic APA rules say that you reference the entire book on the References page, not individual chapters. BUT, if your instructor requires you to reference at the chapter level, we are supplying that, as well.


Basic APA reference: 

College success (University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing ed.). (2015). University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.

Suggested in-text citation, using chapters as location:

(College success, 2015, Chapter ##)

If your instructor requires you to cite the specific chapter that you're using in the references, then it would look like this.

 Chapter 10: Taking control of your health. (2015). In College success (University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing ed.). University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.

In text citation:

(College success, 2015, Chapter 10)