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This guide was created to offer selections of both online and print resources on the topic of Neurodiversity. Selections can be found in our campus libraries and in other platforms.

Books for Parents and Educators

The cover is black with a row of white eggs at the bottom and the one in the middle is yellow.
The cover is white with two baby footprints below the title which is light blue.
The cover is white but the words Explosive Child are larger than the rest of the words and in red.
The cover is black with the title of the books and author in white lettering.
The cover is orange with circle on the left in which a picture of a small boy is sitting.
The cover features a picture of four teenagers outside with their arms raised up in the air.  The perspective is from the bottom so the people look very tall.
The cover is light blue with a white image of the earth behind the title of the book.  Below that is a collage of photos of people working together or alone in various school and work environments.
The cover is white with triangular patterns of red, white and light blue on the top left and bottom right edges.
On the cover there is a picture of a man sitting a desk holding an ipad in his left hand.  With his other hand, he is writing in a notebook.
The cover is dark with the title of the book covering most of it and a small photograph of a metallic sculpture featuring steps twisting around a white hoop.  It is set outdoors in front of a white building.
The cover has an image that looks like an abstract work of art in aqua blue and white swirls.