For individual research help, schedule an appointment to meet with a librarian.
Recommended Databases for Career Information
These databases are online resources about many career fields:
Ferguson's Career Guidance CenterThis link opens in a new windowIncludes information on job and industry profiles, job-hunting and workplace skills, career and industry resources, and college planning and financial aid. (NVCC)
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowA multi-disciplinary database which offers information in many areas of academic study. This database supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study by providing access to journals, periodicals, reports, books and more. (VIVA)
Coverage includes over 8,914 journals and magazines dating back to 1887. Subjects include: Animal science; Anthropology; Astronomy; Biology; Chemistry; Engineering; Ethnic and multicultural studies; General science; Geography; Geology; Law; Mathematics; Music; Pharmaceutical sciences; Physics; Psychology; Religion and philosophy; Science and technology; Veterinary science; Women's studies; Zoology.
Recommended Government Sites for Career Information
If you need background information on your topic, try these government databases.
Occupational Outlook HandbookThe Occupational Outlook Handbook is a publication of the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics that includes information about the nature of work, working conditions, training and education, earnings and job outlook for hundreds of different occupations in the United States
Career OneStopSponsored by the Dept. of Labor. Its mission is to deliver integrated, easy-to-understand workforce information that helps job seekers, students, workers, workforce intermediaries, and employers develop their capacity and make sound economic decisions in the new economy.
O*NET OnLineO*NET provides comprehensive information on key characteristics of workers and occupations.
Virginia Education WizardLet the Wizard help you choose a career, get the information you need to pursue your career, find the college that is right for you, pay for college, transfer from a community college to a university, and get answers to your questions about your future.
Virginia HealthCare CareersFrom the Virginia Health Workforce Authority, this site gives you information on more than 70 healthcare careers that are available here in Virginia. You can read and download the Health Career Manual and register to keep informed of health career events, programs and services throughout Virginia.