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CST 100 & 110 - Introduction to Communication: Researching Speeches; Media Bias (Aquila - Alexandria)

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Library Catalog Search Tips

  • For more results than just books, click on Advanced Search or EVERYTHING.  This includes books, articles, videos, and encyclopedia (reference) articles.
  • Select the fewest words possible to type into the search box -- just the ones most important to your topic. 
                          What are benefits of yoga for children?
  • Type   AND   between each new concept.  For example:
          children AND yoga AND benefits
  • Put quotation marks (" ") around phrases.  For example: 
         children AND yoga AND "physical strength"   
         children AND yoga AND "mental health"  

  • Use synonyms and related terms.  For example: 
         children AND yoga AND benefits   
         children AND yoga
    AND health

        children AND yoga AND brain
  • Use filters to refine your list of results:
    • Type of Source: Reference [encyclopedia] Articles, Newspaper Articles, Books, etc.
    • Publication Date
    • Location (e.g., a campus or Full Text Online)

Top Databases for CST 100 and CST 110

These databases are included in the Library Catalog "Everything" search, but by using the individual databases you will get more powerful search options.

Database Search Tips:

  • Type as few words as possible into the search box - just the most important concepts.
  • Type the word   AND  between each new concept:  oceans AND pollution