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APA 6 Citation Style Guide

This style guide will help you cite the most common types of materials required in research projects and papers for APA 6. - Direct comments to

Books (Print)

Entire Book

Boni, W.C. and Kovacich, G.L. (1999). I-Way robbery:  Crime on the internet Boston:  Butterworth-Heinemann.


Chapter in Edited Book


Dick, S. (2000). Literary realism in Mrs. Dalloway, To the lighthouse, Orlando and The waves.  In S. Roe & S.


Sellers (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to Virginia Woolf (pp. 50-71).  Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Magazine Articles (Print)

Donnelly, S. B. (2005, February 14).  More guns in the air.  Time, 16513.

Journal Articles (Print)

Menesini, E., Melan, E. and Pignatti, B. (2000). Interactional styles of bullies and victims observed in a

competitive and cooperative setting. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 161(3), 261-81.

Newspaper Articles (Print)

Duggan, P.  (2001, May 14). Texas legislators review use of death penalty.  Washington Post, home ed., p. A3.

Fischer, M. (2001, May 5). County restricts the size of flags.  Richmond Times-Dispatch, p. B1.

A Handout from Class

Professor's Last Name, First Initial. (Date). Handout title [Class handout]. Retrieved from Canvas.

Grooms, R. (2017). APA citation guide [Class handout]. Retrieved from Canvas.