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ENG 112 - Argumentative (WO)


Looking for something more specialized?  The library has over 200 databases focused on specific topics like history, psychology, business and more.

Research Tips

Keep your search simple.  Use only 2 or 3 keywords.

Look at your number of results. 
Too Many: Add keywords or be more specific.
Too Few: Change keywords or make them more broad.

Ask for help!  Librarians are happy to help!

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What If You Get Bad Results?

1. If you get very few articles, your keywords might be too specific.   

    Instead of:  elementary school children who eat Doritos
children AND junk food

2. If you get too many articles covering different aspects of the topic, your keywords might be too general.

    Instead of:     plants 
invasive plants

3. Article authors may have used slightly different words. 

    For example, instead of junk food, they may have used ultra-processed foods.