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TIP: Citing Images
The standard MLA format for images is:
Author(s). “Title of Image/Graph.” Title of Website in Italics, Website Publisher (if different than title), Date of Publication/Posting, URL.
However, many images do not have authors or titles attached to them. When citing an image that has no author, begin with the title of the image:
"Roberto Rossellini with Joan Caulfield and Frank Capra." January 27, 1949, AP Newsroom, https://newsroom.ap.org/detail/RobertoRosselliniwithJoanCaulfieldandFrankCapra/18dce98510684a8ca1275df8327eaa1c/photo?Query=frank%20capra&mediaType=photo,graphic,audio&sortBy=&dateRange=Anytime&totalCount=55¤tItemNo=1
IMPORTANT NOTE: If an image that has no title, begin with a short description of the photo, using sentence case and no quotation marks, such as: Roberto Rossellini, Joan Caulfield, and Frank Capra talking.