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ENG 111: College Composition I (Jeddy-Loudoun)

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Develop the Essay

Introduction: What is happiness?

SP1: Identify the person and country. Quote what they said if it’s short or summarize accurately and include a short quote.

SP2: Identify the person’s culture and explain a core cultural value that may have affected the person’s answer. Discuss what aspects of the culture may have influenced the response. Also include any other cultural influences that might affect the person like religion, gender, age, etc.

SP3: How do you react to this person’s response? Discuss how the person’s cultural view of happiness is similar and different to your own perspective. Identify what culture influences your viewpoint.


You will use evidence from these sources:

  • Country information from the A-Z World Culture database
  • Your two additional researched sources that relate to your individual’s culture
  • The “Happiness” documentary