Specific videos that may be of interest to Philosophy 101 students:
Citation Tool:
Each film or segment within this database has a citation tool . Here is how you find it:
1. Click the link to the film or segment.
2. Look directly below the screen for "Citation." When you click on this, the citation appear in a box below.
3. Click the button with the correct citation style for your course. ENG 111 uses MLA.
4. Copy and paste the citation into your document. Remember to check the citation for errors after you have copied it.
Keyword Search:
For a more indepth explanation of searching, please click on the "Articles" tab above or here and go to the "Search Tips" box.
Select the most important 2-3 keywords. These are terms related to your topic. For instance, let's say your argument essay debates if global warming is affecting people in the tropics. Your keywords could be:
global warming, people, tropics