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SOC 268: Social Problems (Hindert-Alexandria)

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Databases with Newspapers & Scholarly Journals

Search Tips

Words in the Search Box

  • Identify just the most important words/ideas to type in the search box.
  • Put the word AND between each new idea: income AND inequality
  • Use synonyms and related terms -- all authors will not use exactly the same words to describe your topic.
  • Use quotation marks with phrases:  "climate change"
  • Use truncation with an asterisk (*) to find articles with different endings of the same word:  stereotyp*  will find articles with the word stereotype, stereotyped, or stereotyping.

For example, if researching the effects of gender stereotyping on children, the most important words are gender stereotyping, children.  Here's how that would look in the search box:

"gender stereotyp*" AND children


  • Publication Date
  • Source Type (e.g., Peer Reviewed, Newspaper)
  • Document Type (e.g., Editorial)

Clues to More Information

Use the information in the articles you find:

  • to lead you to more sources
  • to identify experts or claimsmakers
  • to identify additional terms or ideas related to your topic

Does the Library Have a Particular Journal or News Source?

To find out if the library has a particular publication (e.g., Wall Street Journal, Mother Jones, American Conservative) in one of the databases, use the Journal Finder to search for the publication title:

Direct Links to Selected Alternative News Sources

The library subscribes to these news sources through EBSCO databases.  The links below will take you directly to that source's page in EBSCO, where you can either "Search within this publication" for your topic, or browse issues by date.