What is Swank?
Swank Digital Campus is a collection of streaming films licensed by NOVA Libraries for courses requiring films for educational use. The films may only be viewed via a link in Canvas or shown in class. The films do not have public performance rights.
How does it work?
- The library purchases a one-year license for films required in courses. One year = one calendar year, e.g. from 9/21/2020 to 9/20/2021. Please notify the librarian when a film is no longer needed.
- Check the Current Swank Titles box on this page to see if the film is already licensed.
- If the film has already been licensed, contact the NOVA Online Librarian to request the link.
- If the film has not been licensed, request the film by emailing online-library@nvcc.edu. Be sure to specify the course in which you plan to use the film.
- If Swank doesn't offer your film, a librarian can help you locate streaming videos other sources!
Considerations Before a Film is Licensed:
- Is the license available through Swank?
- Is it required for the course or supplementary?
- Is the film captioned? Only films with captions will be licensed.
- Available funds will determine whether or not we are able to fulfill your request.